Efficient and Accurate Fair Market Valuation
Bridge the gap between where you are and where you need to be with Property Analytix. Get more efficient and accurate evaluations guided by data, powered by AI, and led by humans. Track portfolio values in real time with the CARS system, giving you access to data on every property in the United States. And generate MAI appraisals at a fraction of the cost. Property Analytix can take you there.
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“CARS has revolutionized our ability to help client’s property tax appeals.
Our appraisers are delivering appraisals in 7 to 20 days at a third of prior cost.”
“CARS has revolutionized our ability to help client’s property tax appeals.
Our appraisers are delivering appraisals in 7 to 20 days at a third of prior cost.”
Patrick O’ConnorMAI; President, O’Connor & Associates